What We're About

This blog is a provision of the Grandview Area Chamber of Commerce in Grandview, MO, and is intended as a positive resource with timely information for members of the business community at large.
As it is an extension of services for all businesses which are member of said Chamber, it also encompasses the Mission of The Grandview Area Chamber of Commerce, which is: to serve the business community through promoting a positive business environment and encouraging economic growth, leadership, education, and interaction. With that in mind, this blog encourages the interaction of all small business owners, regardless of their affiliation with said Chamber.
Because, as one succeeds, we all succeed.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Networking - It Really Does Works!

I know you hear and read that "networking works" all the time, but it seems that everytime you go to yet another networking event you come away empty handed.  Recently at our monthly networking event, Morning Connections, I was reminded that networking really does work.  Now, I admit that it doesn't work all the time, but what does?  My reliable Honda and Maglite flashlight don't even work all the time, and don't even get me started on Colt 45's famous slogan spoken by none other than Billy D. Williams. 

So, what happened to reaffirm my belief in networking events?  A group of two dozen business professionals were gathered drinking coffee and eating scrumptious doughnuts in below freezing temperatures at 8:00 a.m. and as introductions were made around the room, an amazing thing happened.  One gentleman introduced himself and his company and without missing a beat, the gentleman to his left stated that he uses his financial planning services and can personally vouch for him keeping his money safe and secure.  As soon as that was said, another gentleman said, "Well, I need to make an appointment with you then for my company's retirement plan".  Another person introduced their company that provides waste roll-off containers for construction companies and was promptly given a card from a construction company executive and told to call and make an appointment for a quote.  Two more stories like these happened all in just a matter of thirty minutes!  As the event wrapped up, the aforementioned financial planner was securing an appointment and a duct cleaner was scheduling an appointment for an estimate. 

Not bad for a free networking event, eh?  Granted, it was very cold but I highly doubt that any of these businessmen were worried about the temperature as they opened up their appointment calendars.  So the next time you get an invite to a networking event, you could say, "It's always the same 20 people who just come for the free coffee and isn't worth my time," or you could say, "Meet new people and market my business with little to no cost or effort - I'll definitely be there."  Who knows, it could be you pulling out your appointment calendar - then you will be the one saying what I am, "Networking, It Really Does Work!"

posted by Angela Brincefield, Grandview Chamber of Commerce

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  1. thanks for reminding us all of the value of the Morning Connections events the chamber arranges for members.
    Networking is vital to any business growth. Anyone who doesn't believe that will be on the sidelines soon enough. And in this economy, the sidelines are scary.

  2. I was at a morning connections a few days ago and witnessed the same thing. Not only is this article true, but unlike so many blogs out there, it is well written.
